The Story of a Young Talented Artist from Prague

Monika Žáková graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. Her work is precise and focuses on exploring relationships between materials. She uses various materials such as canvas, paper, aluminum, metal, and plaster. Through her work, she experiments with different planes and layers of colour, combining traditional painting with reliefs. Monika Žáková has showcased her art in numerous exhibitions across Europe and Japan.

Artwork Showcase

Echoes of Antifragility

"Echoes of Antifragility" is a minimalistic, meditative art series made using cotton and acrylic on canvas. The pieces blend traditional and modern techniques, with intricate layering and material interplay. The title suggests themes of resilience and adaptation.

Soft Logic

The "Soft Logic" series is another example of thoughtful and intricate artwork. Artworks from this series are made with cotton and acrylic on canvas. This series also features Žáková's signature minimalistic and contemplative approach, with a focus on the materiality and tactile quality of the work.

Echoes of Fragility

"Echoes of Fragility” explores the balance between strength and vulnerability. In "Echoes of Fragility" from 2020, Monika Žáková uses cotton and acrylic on a canvas to show fragility and resilience. The materials, textures, and colors invite reflection on existence's ephemeral nature and inherent strength in delicacy.

Zero Gravity

"Zero Gravity" line of artworks showcases a commitment to meticulous execution and attention to both formal and conceptual elements. Žáková's work in this series likely continues her characteristic approach of creating minimalist, meditative works, paying special attention to materiality and the tactile quality of her art, further enhancing the ethereal and ephemeral aesthetic of her creations.

Monika Žáková's Portfolio

Explore Monika Žáková's art effortlessly. This collection includes all her celebrated series - 'Echoes of Antifragility', 'Zero Gravity', and 'Soft Logic'. Immerse yourself in her world from the comfort of your own space.

Monika's Book

Alšova jihočeská galerie

More Light

In the last three years, the work of Monika Žáková has reached a synthesis of her previous concentrated creation, positioning itself as an authentic analytical abstraction. The author sensitively works with the energy of the material, its physical essence, and the subtle dynamics of the image plane's proportions. However, a fundamental element of her work is light, which acts as a co-creator of the whole. Žáková allows light to enter the work and shape it. Gradually, it functions as a medium that is not only a solid part of the physical form of the image but also its content component, philosophical matter, and a certain measure.